A memo from Ralph to we graduates about how to march, where to sit, how to hold our tassels, return caps and gowns and get report cards. The old mimeograph version has faded and is not readable. Envision the purple type and the smell of mimeograph ink.
Click the marching NHS graduates. (No...that's not our class)
The traditional celebration for we newly minted graduates. If you were there, here is a reminder of the schedule of events and the Student Committee who put it all together. If you didn’t go, here is what you missed.
Click the All Night Party badge and rotate the document in your pdf reader.
Get your tickets! (from the archives of Betty Ann Spencer (Dietz)

The Superlative Seniors (from the archives of Betty Ann Spencer (Dietz)

From the archives of Betty An Spencer (Dietz)

The Class of 1972 marching in to "War March of the Priests" (See Music of our Times page)
From the archives of Brian Riley

We are all there!

All seated and ready being addressed by someone?!

Brian Riley receiving his diploma.
Seated to right of the woman in pink: Carol Quern, Dave Rabe, Andrea Radley, Cap Raeder, Bob Raymond, and Chris Reber.
Standing...coming up to recieve their diplomas to Brian's right: Braham Rockwood, Carl Rodgers, Mark Rosenfield and Jay Rossi.
To the far left seated: Ray Larabee
1 Row back behind Andrea Radley: Dave Reynolds and Tom Rhodes

This was one of the Graduation pictures that appeared in the Needham Times. Yeah, that's me not listening to Sam Cohn giving his Valedictorial Address. I believe I was checking to see if one of my fellow classmates did, in fact, sneak a beer under his gown and had devised a method of drinking the beer via some long straw-like device.

Bob Kjellman and Mark Thompson...proud graduating seniors!